OK, so you LOVE Drupal, everybody does - but just how Drupal ARE you, really?
Answer the questions below to find out:
You need to make a simple splash page, do you
A. Summon up some boilerplate html
B. Hand code something bespoke
C. Initialise another drupal installation
A customer asks for a one off form, no web site, just a form. Do you
A. Go straight to survey monkey
B. Hand code something
C. Fire up another drupal installation
A friend is starting a new business, do you
A. Offer them help and support with setting up the finances
B. Offer your time to help out with childcare and household chores
C. Fire up a drupal installation
Your cat is sick, do you
A. Check out the symptoms on the internet
B. Don't mess about, get them straight to the vets
C. Fire up a new drupal installation
Nuclear war breaks out and it looks like Armageddon is at hand, do you
A. Gather your nearest and dearest for a candlelit vigil
B. Go out with a bang with a huge Bender
C. Fire up another drupal installation
You need to set up an amusing quiz, do you
A. Go straight to survey monkey
B. Hand code something
C. Fire up another drupal installation and add the quiz module.
D. Just type it out in a blog post because really, it's just not worth the extra work for what is, after all, a pretty weak joke.
Mostly "A"s - Shame on you for not using Druapl for everything
Mostly "B"s - You like to get things done, but have you thought that you could get more done by using Drupal?
Mostly "C"s - Congratulations, you are as Drupal as it gets, you probably even do most things through the command line and know when Dries's birthday is. Give yourself a special treat by firing up a new Drupal installation using composer!