Here is a simple step by step guide to upgrading CiviCRM with Drupal 7, the ideal platform for charity web design.
The full details are here - https://docs.civicrm.org/sysadmin/en/latest/upgrade/?query=extensions#b…; - but we find it handy to have a quick guide without too many unnecessary details
- Backup CiviCRM and Drupal databases using Backup and Migrate 3.x dev version - NOT 3.1 as this does not have the necessary patch
- Disable CiviCRM logging - this can interfere with database writes
- Upload new CiviCRM zip file
- Backup CiviCRM module code
- Put the site into maintenance mode
- Disable all none essential CiviCRM modules - not CiviCRM itself
- Expand new module code in place
- *** Flush all Drupal caches ****
- Clear /sites/default/files/civicrm/templates_c
- Run the upgrade script - /?q=civicrm/upgrade&reset=1
- Do a victory dance / curse profusely depending on how that went
- Re-enable modules
- Take site out of maintenance mode
- Re-enable CiviCRM logging
- Flush caches
That's basically it, but stick close to the list and pay attention! The key factor is to run this on your development server first and fix any issues there - once it's all clear on dev, you have a reasonable chance of things going smoothly on the live site.
This is a security patch, so get to it!
4.7.21 has a bug in the online membership process, a fix can be found here.
Drupal 10
Drupal 10 and Civi is handled by composer.
If your composer file is set up correctly use this to go to a specific version, e.g.
composer require civicrm/civicrm-{core,packages,drupal-8}:~5.71.1 -W
run database updates at /civicrm/upgrade?reset=1
if everything is good transfer to live:
- backup dbs
- flush caches - drupal and civi
- put live in maintenance mode
- push new civi code to live
- run updates
- flush caches - drupal and civi
- update extensions
In a bind you might need to run
"cv flush"
"composer civicrm:publish -D" - don't forget the -D!!!
Clear caches
If you get stuck at a "skip" or "retry" page, try clearing your Drupal cache, browser cache and template_c folder
Foreign key checks
21/11/19 - 7.x-dev - try using the option "drop all tables" to get past foreign key check errors
update from the wiki link
You should update to point to here, the CiviCRM wiki is deprecated - https://docs.civicrm.org/sysadmin/en/latest/upgrade/?query=extensions#b…
You might also need to run some SQL commands if you are having problems updating indices: