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Setting up CIviCRM with Drupal 10

Here are some simple steps to set up a ne installation of Drupal with CiviCRM

first, set up a drupal site:

composer create-project drupal/recommended-project myproject

then add a civicrm database to settings

$databases['civicrm']['default'] = array (
 'database' => 'myproject_civi',
 'username' => 'dbusername',
 'password' => '*******',
 'prefix' => '',
 'host' => 'localhost',
 'port' => '3306',
 'namespace' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Driver\\mysql',
 'driver' => 'mysql',

then require and enable the tools and the CiviCRM module

cd /var/www/
composer config extra.enable-patching true
composer require civicrm/civicrm-{core,packages,drupal-8}
composer require civicrm/cli-tools

composer config extra.enable-patching true
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer require civicrm/civicrm-{core,packages,drupal-8}:'~5.42'
composer civicrm:publish

more info here:

Add this to the extra section in composer.json

"extra": {

       "civicrm-asset": {
           "path": "public_html/libraries/civicrm",
           "url": "/libraries/civicrm"

       "drupal-scaffold": {
           "locations": {
               "web-root": "public_html/"

Set up Cron for CiviCRM

cd /home/myproject/drupal_private
GET > cv.phar

then the cron command should be this

/usr/local/bin/ea-php81 /home/myproject/vendor/bin/cv api job.execute --user=my_civicron --cwd=/home/myproject/public_html


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