LMS Membership Forms

Turtlereality have overhauled the membership signup process for UK charity, the Latin Mass Society, replacing CiviCRM forms with a much more advanced Drupal Webforms solution.

The options and requirements for membership is a complex and detailed procedure which we have streamlined to provide an intuitive experience to the user, while gathering in-depth information for the charity.

Users are also pushed towards Direct Debit payments using the GoCardless payment system to help the renewals process.

CiviCRM is a great platform for UK charities and its integration with the very powerful Drupal system gives great scope for customised solutions that can really help raise funds and awareness.


Linked Case Study

Starting with a choice from a popover list of membership types, users a walked through a very simple  and intuitive form. The form changes dynamically to cope with various edge cases without overwhelming other users.

By asking simple questions we only show users the questions that apply to their membership needs.

popover list of membership types

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